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PMC is Business As Usual during Covid-19


“It’s business as usual at PMC and we couldn’t be prouder”

At this critical time PMC is proud to be able to continue providing the same high standards of service to its clients. We’ve adapted to government guidelines and continue to provide robust support to our client network, some of which play a direct role in facilitating crucial services during the Covid-19 crisis.

  • We’re safely responding to all callouts and enquiries.
  • We’re serving both new and existing clients.
  • Our staff are closely following Government and Public Health England guidelines.

We’re quickly responding to all enquiries. Talk to our team now on 0151 526 6288 or email admin@pmc.uk.com.

How our staff are staying safe

We’ve adapted our processes to follow Government and Public Health England guidelines and help slow down the spread of the virus. We’re working hard to make sure we keep providing the same reliable service as safely as possible.

All staff are trained in and implementing national infection control advice.

Any staff members experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, or living with someone experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, are self-isolating for 7-14 days in line with Government guidelines.

How our staff are keeping you safe

Office staff

Our office team is providing a full service remotely. They have access to all the usual software and systems. You can reach them via email, on the phone and even through a video call.

Onsite staff

All onsite staff will follow this procedure:

  • Use hand sanitiser before, during and leaving client sites.
  • Wash hands before, after, and regularly throughout the site visit.
  • Maintain social distancing of at least 2 metres between each other and anyone else they encounter.
  • Request clients also maintain a distance of at least 2 metres.
  • Clean any surfaces before and after they come into contact with them.
  • Avoid any unnecessary contact with surfaces and door handles.
  • Travelling in separate vehicles.
  • Carry access permits at all times.

For more information, visit www.pmc.uk.com.


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