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INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT: Mainteno facilities maintenance and management software

Mainteno is an advanced award-winning facilities maintenance and management software that streamlines every aspect of maintenance management processes.

“We provide online software and have provided online maintenance management software for the past eight years,” said Mainteno’s David Lattimer. “Our software is extremely diverse and adaptable for many industries and has been used to manage many different types of facilities by companies including The Dogs Trust, DPD, funeral homes, schools and care homes.”

All accessed through one easy to use platform, Mainteno is a CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) which provides a CAFM (Computer Aided Facilities Management) solution for organisations.

We asked David about some of the main benefits of using Mainteno, he stated “Ease of use.” David continued: “It is intuitive from a user’s point of view and it puts everything together in one place. It is designed to be paperless making it easy to access from any device and getting rid of the need to keep endless paperwork.”

Designed with an easy to use dashboard, Mainteno provides all the relevant data in one central system enabling the user to access all aspects of facilities managements through its functions including managing maintenance, scheduling maintenance, creating fault repair reports, asset tracking, general task management, creating checklists, invoicing, enquiring and managing quotes and tendering of contractors and supporting contractors.

With a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction, Redro ensures its software is beneficial for its clients and provides a comprehensive service from consultation to after sales services. “We’re dedicated to making sure it works for our clients and offer a free trial of our system. We provide a managed service throughout,” David added.

Mainteno Facilities Management Software from David Lattimer on Vimeo.

View a detailed explanatory video of Mainteno here: https://vimeo.com/425488696 or above or for any further information, please see the details featured below.

T 0208 798 3713


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