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On your bike – how cycling to work can help beat cancer

Research from the University of Glasgow has revealed that cycling to work can you help you live longer and reduces the risks of serious diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The report, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), found that commuters who cycled or part cycled to work were expected to have a longer life expectancy than those that didn’t.

During the study, nearly 450 participants from across the country were examined on how they travelled to work and by what methods (walking, cycling, part walking/cycling and non-active, such as car or public transport).

The report found that those who cycled to work were 46% lower risk of heart disease and 45% lower risk of developing cancer than those commuters that took a non-active commute.

Cyclists in the study were riding an average of 30 miles per week, three miles each way, five days a week. The average speed was a reasonable 10mph, taking 20 minutes each way.

Presently in the UK only 3% of the population cycle to work, compared to 36% who commute by car.

The report concluded that “major opportunities for the improvement of public health” could be found if people were encouraged to participate in cycling to work, such as more cycle lanes, city bike hire services, subsidised cycle to work schemes and better accommodation for taking bicycles on public transport.


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