Stormsaver is the UK market leader for Commercial rainwater harvesting systems. We have been manufacturing, commissioning and maintaining systems up and down the UK for over 14 years. Rainwater Harvesting systems are becoming commonplace technology with many businesses including them in new build projects and retrofitting to existing buildings. When maintained regularly, by professionals, the […]
Wellcome deal for Ultimate Security Services

Global scientific and research charitable foundation Wellcome Trust has appointed Ultimate Security Services to manage its integrated service operations in an initial three-year deal, worth £3.6m. Ultimate will provide services for the Wellcome Collection and the Gibb Building at 215 Euston Road in this first generation outsource contract, consolidating a number of different services including […]
Lanes Group secures lucrative TFL contract

Lanes Group has secured a five-year contract to provide maintenance services across the London Underground. The contract, worth £65 million, has the option for a three-year extension, and will be the third maintenance contract awarded to the Lanes Group by Transport For London (TFL) in a four-month period. The contract is due to go live […]
On your bike – how cycling to work can help beat cancer

Research from the University of Glasgow has revealed that cycling to work can you help you live longer and reduces the risks of serious diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The report, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), found that commuters who cycled or part cycled to work were expected to have a […]