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Relying on AI is not enough, we need transparent logic

By Howard Bottomley, Managing Director of TAP, the property management platform

Everybody is talking about incorporating AI into our daily lives and this hype has reached the Built Environment sector. As a sector, we’re far from there in terms of AI taking over manual tasks but aspects of AI are creeping into some technologies. However much of the time AI is met with scepticism or confusion. And it’s little wonder.

While there’s no doubt it can speed up decision-making, it’s not always clear how the decision is reached. The logic used is hidden in the software and isn’t always easy to access, which can prevent a thorough audit from being carried out and this lack of transparency can build distrust. 

Many day-to-day processes in the Built Environment and in particular Facilities Management aren’t ready for the full AI revolution and too much comment is made around AI’s adoption. At TAP we start with the basics.  TAP is a property management platform that makes buildings more efficient, increases productivity and improves compliance. All TAP’s modules look at the process behind the business procedures and the relationship each stakeholder has in performing the tasks. The logic for each process is easily accessible and stored securely, should it be necessary to audit. 

Currently, our permit-to-work module is receiving a great deal of focus as it has shifted the onus of creating the permit away from the property manager to the contractor.  This shift delivers a great customer experience, saves time, and moves the permit approver up the value curve.  Seamlessly moving from a TAP Helpdesk ticket, to permit request and proof of presence via our visitor management module, not only provides a clear understanding of the logic but delivers valuable real-time data.  What we’re talking about here is the automation of tasks, not Artificial Intelligence taking over the tasks. In automation, the process is transparent, logged and accessible. 

It’s not always better to rely on AI to improve a business process as it hides from view the reasons behind an action and for TAP, it’s better to truly understand the logic behind a task or a system’s reaction to provide the right solution.  This allows our customers to explain what is happening and respond to any challenges with confidence. There is no doubt AI will play a part in the future of the Built Environment, but it’s for the industry to work out to what extent and how to best manage such technology. For now, logic is here to stay. 

To find out more about the TAP property management platform visit https://www.tap-in.co.uk/


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