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RECOMMENDED: Total Facilities Management

Whatever the nature of your business, providing efficient and effective facilities services within budget can be a complex business. Total facilities management simply provides one point of contact. As an experienced total facilities management company, FCFS claims to provide one trusted point of contact that can be relied on 24/7 throughout the year to get the job done.

A total facilities management solution can incorporate all facilities management service lines, from maintenance and building fabric repairs to catering and cleaning under a one-team model that enables cross-skilling and multifunctional responsibilities throughout the various service streams. As an experienced total facilities management service provider, FCFS provides a streamlined management structure and delivers increased efficiency and value for money.

Customers which have taken the step towards total facilities management are also seeing a number of non cost benefits including flexibility for adapting to any unforeseen circumstances including robust disaster recovery planning and improved accountability and tracking of service delivery performance. Through total facilities management many clients also require streamline planned preventative maintenance (PPM) tasks as well as reactive tasks.

FCFS claims it can adapt its bespoke system to its customers’ needs and integrate this with their internal systems, offering complete flexibility for task assignment, management and completion.

To find out more visit 1stchoicefacilities.co.uk



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