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RECOMMENDED: Recoup waste water heat recovery systems

Recoup specialise in Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems for Showers (WWHRS), a passive heat recovery technology that simply and effectively recovers the wasted heat energy.

That energy normally flows down the drain when showering and recycles this back into the hot water system, by ‘pre-heating the cold mains feed to the shower (and/or boiler/cylinder).

In the UK it is primarily used by new-build developers, as it is simple, cheap and very cost effective. We are used in Standard specification by a number of As a SAP listed technology, it is one of the most cost-effective energy efficiency measure available. It also requires no planned maintenance, filter changes, or end-user interaction of any kind. Just passive energy saving, that can save around 55% of the cost each time a shower is used.

The Easyfit+ is designed to install directly below a bath (with shower over) – this new product due to it’s design, cost and efficiency has tremendous opportunity for retrofit. We are currently working with a major UK hotel group, trailing the Easyfit+ as a retrofit solution, as well as the UK leading gym provider.

Furthermore, we are also working with housing association providers (and their partners), to incorporate the Easyfit+ as part of their energy efficiency upgrade programmes.



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