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‘Modern’ safety and health challenges studied in new book…

A new book based on research funded by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has investigated the changing context of health and safety policy and
‘modern’ concerns emerging in the OSH sector.

The chartered body commissioned studies over a five-year period by teams from: the
Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM), Cranfield University, Loughborough University, and the universities of Reading, Portsmouth and Nottingham to create Health and Safety in a Changing World (2017, Routledge).

Shelley Frost, executive director of Policy at IOSH and co-editor of the book alongside professor Robert Dingwall, said:OSH is steeped in a colourful history, shaped by public perception and hugely dynamic.  This book explores those facets and provides a perspective on how the OSH professional can respond to the changing needs and expectations of the world of work.

“There are real opportunities explored on how those driving forward OSH agendas can position themselves to influence and shape the future.”

Considered to be one of the most ambitious research projects undertaken about the ways people are protected from injury and ill health in the workplace, were published in October 2016 and can be found here.

To find out more about the book, click here


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