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Getting retailers ready for opening their doors

Back in April Spectrum Industrial; manufacturer and supplier of safety signage and products, commissioned independent research amongst small independent retailers, who had kept their doors open during the lockdown. The aim was to truly understand how these retailers were implementing and managing social distancing and how they could help.

26% of these retailers said they found it difficult to implement social distancing and signage into the store, and 43% said they would have liked professional help or support.

Spectrum Industrial have spent years helping businesses with site safety signs by carrying out site audits, they took on board this feedback from the research and used their experience to develop a guide on how to implement a social distancing program.

Peter Clayton, Head of Sales, commented: “Following this feedback we thought it was important to help where we could.  We did not see implementing social distancing safety signs as any different to when we work with businesses to guide on site safety signs. However, the difference is that during this time, we can’t physically go along and advise, so we developed a simple how to guide”.

He continued: “We understand it’s not easy, we saw the challenges first-hand ourselves when applying this into our own business during the lockdown, and for those retailers where space is not a premium and a redesign is not an option, it proves very challenging.”

The research also showed that over 45% saw their implementation as being temporary and 50% implementing their own do it yourself signage.

Managing Director, Paul Kantecki, said: “This was no surprise as many at the time did not know how long this would go on for.  However, we are still seeing do it yourself social distancing measures still happening 3 months on, mainly when business / premises are opening their doors for the first time since lockdown. We do understand, as well as many finding it difficult, they are not sure if it is right, and they need to be flexible if they need to change it. Although this showed, and still shows many being proactive to put something in place. Being involved in safety signs we know the hazards these makeshift / do it yourself versions can have, such as slips and trips with unsuitable floor markings and tape through to home printed signs fading quickly and becoming unclear.”

Safety regulation state that all Health & Safety signage always needs to be clear and visible. Although this situation does not come under legislation yet, it is still communicating vitally important messages to keep people as safe as possible, “to us, it is a safety message and the reason we don’t see this as any different to implementing any safety signage onto your premises,” continued Clayton. “The best way to do this is to work with experts in safety signs who are used to designing signs that communicate safety messages in a clear and easy to understand way, as well as providing advice on what you need and where it should be placed.”

Paul also continued: “One of the things I have picked up on during the last 3 months is a term I heard, CCE – Covid Customer Experience. We have to face the reality that this situation is not going away quickly and everything we do today will affect our brand for the future, ask yourself this, how do you want people to talk about how your brand; as a supplier or an employer,  dealt with Covid-19?”

If you are looking to re-open your doors, you can download a FREE copy of Spectrum Industrials guide, which provides useful information and tips at www.spectrum-industrial.co.uk.

For more information about Spectrum Industrial and their product range visit www.spectrum-industrial.co.uk or email sales@spectrum-industrial.co.uk.


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