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Five minutes with… Preston Gan, Facilities and Estates, NHS Grampian

Preston Gan

The financial challenges of the economic downturn and the ‘doing more with less’ implications it brings, FM sectors have an opportunity to raise their profile even further by reviewing business strategies, plus looking outwards to collaborative working and innovation opportunities.

Preston Gan, Head of Business Services & Strategy, Facilities and Estates Sector at NHS Grampian, will be addressing this key topic as part of his How Can FM Add Value and Transform Culture? talk at the 20th Anniversary Facilities Management Forum, which takes place on July 10th & 11th at the Principal Hotel in Manchester.

What’s more, Gan was earlier this month crowned FM Professional of the Year 2017 at the BIFM Scotland Region Summer Gala Ball and Recognition Awards 2017.

We spent 5 minutes with Preston to find out more about his role and the his thoughts on the wider FM industry…

What is your role in Facilities Management at NHS Grampian?
I am the Head of Business Services and Strategy, responsible for the strategic direction of FM, the overall performance of FM services delivery (client and supply) across a diverse property portfolio and the development of the intelligent client function to support NHS Grampian in delivering its core business, i.e. Healthcare.

What do you think is the biggest priority for the facilities management sector in Scotland in 2017?
With the economic downturn, financial challenges and the ‘doing more with less’ implications, FM sectors (private and public) in client or supply organisations has an opportunity now to raise the profile of FM even further by reviewing their business strategies, looking outwards to collaborative working and innovation opportunities either regionally or nationally.

But there is also a need to look inwards to professionalise the workforce via recognised institutions and standards, re-engineer business processes, enhance the intelligent client function to reinforce the value of FM to deliver client satisfaction and drive best value for organisations across Scotland.

Who is your FM inspiration?
Professor Keith Alexander and Professor Ilfryn Price.

What technology is going to make the most significant impact to the life of an FM?
As Scotland moves towards a digital built environment, BIM will be seen as a key part for the future in the Scottish construction industry.

In 2020, we’ll all be talking about…
Within healthcare… integration!

And finally… what occupies your time away from the world of FM?
I care about inspiring local communities and further afield through arts and culture. I volunteer as the Chief Organiser leading a team of volunteers in hosting a high profile festival event called Japan Day Aberdeen 2017, on the 11th June. Dignitaries such as the Consul-General of Japan commended the success of this year’s event for sustaining historical ties between Scotland and Japan, with a turnout of over 2,000 visitors!

You can meet Preston to discuss any of the above in more detail at the 20th Anniversary Facilities Management Forum – If you would like to confirm a supplier of delegate place, which will include the opportunity to gather in the evening for a gala dinner, please contact Luke Webster on 0192 374074 or email l.webster@forumevents.co.uk.


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