27th & 28th January 2025
Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre, London Heathrow
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FM Forum: Two days with the industry’s leading suppliers

There’s a complimentary ticket waiting for you to attend the FM Forum, which takes place on 3rd-4th July – and here’s what you event itinerary could look like…

The Forum takes place over a day and a half & consists of 1-2-1 meetings with innovative suppliers to help with your upcoming plans, insightful seminar sessions and numerous opportunities to network with peers. Accommodation and all meals are also included.

“It was my first event like this and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There was plenty of time allowance for networking and the allocated times for meeting each company was enough to keep things clear and precise” – Astrum MAT

Click here to confirm your attendance (booking form takes less than two minutes to complete).


Day One
08:00 – 08:45: Registration
08:45 – 09:30: Opening Presentation
09:45 – 10:30: Seminar
10:40 – 13:15: Face to Face Meetings
13:15 – 14:15: Networking Buffet Lunch
14:15 – 16:50: Face to Face Meetings
17:00 – 17:45: Seminar
19:30 – 20:00: Pre-dinner drinks
20:00 – 23:30: Networking Dinner with entertainment

Day Two
07:00 – 08:30: Breakfast
09:00 – 09:45: Seminar
09:55 – 13:00: Face to Face Meetings
13:00 -14:00: Networking Buffet Lunch

To secure your complimentary place, please book here. Once booked, we will keep you updated monthly as the seminar content and supplier list develop.


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