Guest Blog, Ian Hetherington: 3D mapping means going green has never been easier…

Our society is more conscious than ever of the detrimental effects our actions have on the environment, and the business world is no different. As a facilities manager, the role of policing the use of energy most likely falls in your lap, and with a wide range regulations around the management of energy, it’s often hard to keep up. […]
Industry Spotlight: FM managers will enter water contracts ‘with confidence’…

In regards to utilities, water is often considered to be the ‘poor relation’ to gas and electricity, as described by the leading specialist water management company, Waterscan. The moderately low cost of water supply and waste water management – coupled with an inflexible marketplace – has led to it being somewhat misunderstood. However, with relatively recent developments and industry analysis, […]
Forum News: 10 ways to succeed at networking events…

Walking into an event room full of people you don’t know can be a scary experience. However, there are proven ways to conquer this fear and make networking an enjoyable and a useful process to do business. Here, we share 10 of the best practices to eradicate those networking nerves. 1. Plan ahead: Try to […]
UEA: Investment in energy storage ‘vital’…

Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has suggested that government subsidies should be used to encourage investment in energy storage systems if renewable power is to be fully integrated into the sector. The research, led by Dr Konstantinos Chalvatzis and Dr Dimitris Zafirakis of the university’s Norwich Business School and published in the […]
Minimise Energy and OMS sign UK distribution deal…

A new deal between the energy division of the Minimise Group, Minimise Energy and the commercial lighting manufacturer, OMS, will see all lighting products including ceiling recessed lighting, high bay lights and emergency lighting brought to UK businesses. Currently providing its services to central and Eastern Europe, the deal is expected to benefit architects, engineering […]
Energy management bosses in favour of ‘in’ vote…

The ‘UK Energy Efficiency Trends’ report conducted by the energy efficiency performance and analysis provider, EEVS, demonstrates an overriding support to remain within the EU from the energy management sector, as both suppliers and consumers have shown to be particularly concerned that energy prices would rise if the referendum (June 23) results in a Brexit […]